So its meant to be a small world, right? not when it comes to deciding where to move too, all of sudden it becomes very large and I guess if you consider that the State of Victoria is bigger than the whole of the United Kingdom then it makes sense that I'm struggling to decide where to start looking. Actually that's not quite true, after spending time in the Grampians region,
I am drawn to that area but even that is a mammoth area with so many potential towns and I also need to keep in mind where the work is or will be in the future so am also casting the net alot wider and seeing what is out there in other far flung locations but I have no doubt that regardless of what I find, I will veer back in the Grampians direction. There are many factors to consider as well, my preference for part time work due to my fulltime study load, the fact I want more "me" time, but enough income to still enjoy life and a town that is large enough to have a social life but not too large so I am no longer anonymous..and the icing on the cake would be a hot country guy!!!..ok, time to snap out of fantasy mode and start being productive, country towns, jobs and men don't just find themselves!
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